Holden Beach Real Estate Sales by

Agent/Broker in Charge Cane Faircloth

Waterfront Real Estate Sales Specialist

Call 910-367-2998

Cane Faircloth is Agent/Broker in Charge at Ollie Raja Realty real estate sales in Holden Beach, NC. Cane is the areas waterfront property specialist. Below is more information about Agent Cane and his personal connection to the water in and around Holden Beach his entire life.

Captain Cane Faircloth is a Holden Beach Native and 5th Generation area waterman.  Cane has worked in sales and marketing his entire adult life.  He owns Ollie Raja Fishing Charters where thousands of prospective real estate buyers and sellers spend time on his charter boats.  Before opening his charter business he was a south east sales and marketing territory manager for 16 years in the surf, skate and snowboard industry.  His network in Southern North Carolina is astounding due to being from a large family and he is an outgoing people person.

Stop back soon for more information about the exciting real estate market in Holden Beach, NC or call Capt. & Agent/Broker in Charge Cane @ 910-367-2998

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